Royal Botanic Garden – one place you won’t mind getting lost in

by Martina Berger

If there is one place in Edinburgh that I truly adore that would be The Royal Botanic Garden. Back in Zagreb I enjoyed running away from college obligations or later on trying to find escape from journalistic chaos in our wee Botanics so many times. I could sit on a bench for hours. Yes, those were my no-children years where one could actually just sit and do nothing. For as long as I remember it was one of the most beautiful places in my hometown.

This post was written before the Covid-19 and Royal Botanic Garden is closed at the moment but on their pages you can go on a Virtual Spring tour and for kids there is Marley the Botanics’ cat in his School of Garden Magic.

Every week, every month, every time of the year brings its own unique beauty to the Garden

Eight years ago we came to Edinburgh. It didn’t take us long to go and check out the Botanics. Well to be honest we are still checking it out. It is absolutely amazing how you can feel peace from the first moment you go through the gate door. Even with two toddlers on hand. All the traffic noise disappears behind the Garden walls. Sometimes it is like the rest of the world disappears as well. This is one of the places I wouldn’t mind getting lost in.

We visit regularly and it is one of the rare places where we are going more like ‘Yeah, the Botanics!’ and not the more usual one ‘Oh I don’t want to go out (that always of course ends with I do not want to go home!). In this eight years there has never been a time where we didn’t discover something new. The Garden changes with each season and there seems to be a corner we never saw before miraculously appearing in front of us. I am totally positive that has to do with the Fairy Wood tucked safely in one part of the Botanics.

Each and every time there is something to catch the eye of a wondrous mind, something to explore. A perfect place to stop taking things for granted and just enjoy the moment. Like both of my sons do. Each new flower is a great reason to stop and smell it. Sometimes they find them on the ground and of to the rescue they go! A bush or a tree is an opportunity like no other to play hide and seek. Bridges over the streams an invitation to cross into another land. Little gardens inside the Garden are a planet of their own. From time to time I actually get to just sit on one of the many benches and well, not do nothing, as mothers mind/eye never rests. But just sit and enjoy the view. Until they leave the view and then it’s of to the next hill. (Yes it is so big that it has hills).

And if all that was not enough for each season there are some great events for both the parents and children to participate in. We still can’t decide which we like more – The Royal Botanics Bunny and The Hunt for the Golden Egg or Halloween ones. Always cleverly designed so they are fun, they give you a chance to learn something new and creative. Oh, the joy of finding all the trails and getting a reward at the end. And what a treat for parents to let the kids run around surrounded with beautiful scents and that peaceful green and learn some new things along the way. Or let’s be honest. It’s a great way to be a kid again.

Oh, and did I mentioned squirrels? Those little wild things that run off up high into the trees when they hear footsteps from a mile away. Well not in the Botanics. Little chubby friendly fellows will literally come and eat out of your hand. What was it back there about feeling like a kid?! According to all the friends that come to visit us, I am not a total loony for always having monkey peanuts on our shopping list.

If your visit to the Burgh is in that pre Xmas period don’t miss out one and only Botanics Lights. As no words can bring this magic alive I will add few photos more but for that ultimate feeling you will want to experience this event with all of your senses.

If you got the need to melt into the nature after seeing Virtual Spring and you’re looking for an action plan with the wee ones why not try den building.

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